Author Guidelines
| The Article
- All articles must be submitted to Smong Journal editorial by online submission at: Register where author register as Author and/or offered as Reviewer by online. If authors have any problems on the online submission, please contact technical support at the following contact page.
- Any articles submitted in this journal should be scientific (research articles), original and has not been published and/or sent to any journal or media. The writer should sign the statement letter which strengthen about this issues by confirming the submission checklist.
- The content of the article relates to focus and scope of Smong Journal. The translated of a manuscript is not accepted.
- The manuscript is written in English and Bahasa Indonesia (optional) which fulfills the criteria of good and correct writing.
- The length of article is around 4000 to 7000 words with 1 pt space, typed in MS-Word, with Bookman old style font size 11 on A4 paper (the margin for right, left, top and down is 2 cm). Please download the Article Template file.
- Due to blind review policy, the author must submit two file, 1st file with author name and email, and 2nd file remove any trace of identification such as name(s) and e-mail address in the submitted manuscript file.
| The abstract should:
- Written in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
- Provides a synopsis of the entire article.
- Starts with the broad context of the study, followed by specific background for the study.
- Describes the purpose, methods and procedures, core findings and results, and conclusions of the study.
- Emphasizes new or important aspects of the study.
- Be understandable to a diverse audience (avoid using jargon).
- Be a single paragraph 200 to 250 words.
- Not contain citations or uncommon abbreviations.
| The Reference and Citation Type
Write the reference on footnote, with continous number from last page. And citation type use APA type. Using Mandeley as reference tools.
Footnote Example:1
1A. Rani Usman, Komunikasi Antar Budaya, Obor Publishing, Jakarta. 2012. p. 64
| The Bibliography
Write bibliography on the last of article, with 1pt space. Using APA type.
| The Article Template File
We provide Article template for standarize our design, please download the template file here.
| The Statement Letter Template file
When submited the article, author must to fill statement letter from this template, upload with signed author. Please download The letter template here.