Disaster, Built Enviroment, Social, Socio-economic, selectionAbstract
Disasters have impacted people's lives both socially and economically. As a disaster-prone region, many areas in Indonesia are faced with various natural disaster risks. One of the areas at risk of natural disasters is Baitussalam Sub-district, Aceh Besar. The large number of casualties and damage to buildings and infrastructure after the 2004 tsunami disaster did not make people leave the area as a place to live again. Therefore, this study aims to determine the factors that influence people to live in disaster-prone areas. The disaster in question is a disaster originating from the sea. The research variables used are social life, socio-economic and built environment. The research method used questionnaires and field observations. In this study, 100 respondents were selected to answer questions related to the subject under study. The statistical methods used are validity test, reliability test and descriptive analysis. The validity test results of the calculated r value (0.905) qualify with > r table (0.195). The results of the reliability test of the Cronbach's Alpha value of social factors amounted to (0.918), socio-economic factors amounted to (0.958), and built environment factors amounted to (0.956) which means that the reliability value is sufficient with the critical value of Cronbach's Alpha> 0.6. The results of descriptive analysis of the recapitulation of the mean value obtained social life of 4.35, socio-economic 4.37 and built environment 4.36. The conclusion obtained is that Baitussalam Sub-district is an attraction for the community as a place to live even though it is faced with various kinds of potential natural disasters. This is because the location of Baitussalam Sub-district is strategically close to Banda Aceh City and as a peri urban area.